Generally, a business name register in Australia is the name which an individual or a company uses for carrying on its business. A person may put up a signboard outside his/her office/shop mentioning who he is and what kind of business he carries on under that name. For example: "XYZ Manufacturer"
One may also use the words '& Co' & Co', '& Bros', &Bros', '& Sons', etc., after his own name to indicate that he is engaged in the business of manufacturing goods as a partner with others or with his brothers.
For example: "Ram Kishan Gupta and Brothers" If you are engaged in carrying on any trade or business under a particular name, you should register your name as a business name by registering it as a trademark under the Indian Trade Marks Act 1999. In order to register your business name, you have to file an application for registration of your trademark along with certain documents and fees at the Trademarks office.
The following are some of the ways through which one can register his/her business name register in Australia-:
1) Registering Name as Sole Proprietorship Firm - A sole proprietorship firm is that kind of firm which is not registered under any law dealing with incorporation of companies but is owned or controlled by one person. The owner or controller thereof carries on its business through its own assets personally. For example: ABC & Co., X & Co., etc.
2) Partnership Firms - A business carried on by two or more persons under a firm-name with the object of making profit. For example: XYZ & Co., ABC & Bros, etc.
3) Limited Company - A company is an artificial person created by law which is owned by its members whose liability of the members are limited to their shares therein. It can either be public limited or private limited. For example: X Ltd., Y Ltd., etc.
4) Proprietorship Concerns - Any concern which is not incorporated but is being conducted by one person/individual is called a proprietorship concern. The owner or controller thereof carries on its business through its own assets personally and without involving any other person as partner(s). For example: ABC Ltd., XYZ & Co., etc.
5) Partnership Concerns - Any concern in which two or more persons are engaged in carrying on business with the object of making profit is called a partnership concern. For example: ABC & Co.., XYZ & Co., etc.
6) Trust - A person who transfers his property to another person for some purpose is called a trustee while the other person on whom that property is transferred is called a beneficiary. The transaction between them is known as trust and the said transfer of property within it are known trusts under several laws. For example: MWD College, Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, etc.
7) University/Institute/College/School/Organization- Both public and private, engaged in imparting education or carrying on research work. For example: Panjab University, JNU, IIT Delhi, School of Planning and Architecture, IIITDM Jabalpur, etc.
8) Society - Section-25 company registration in Australia under the Societies Registration Act 1860. For example: Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), Indian Public Schools Trust , etc.
9) Co-operative society - A person engaged in an undertaking carried on for the benefit of agriculturists by agriculturists is called a co-operative society under the Cooperative societies act . It includes both primary agricultural credit societies and central agricultural credit societies formed in accordance with the provisions of this Act. For example: Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), Karnataka Milk Federation Limited, etc.
10) Government/Union Territory - All matters relating to the central government and any other department of the union or a state government and any part of such department. For example: ABC Wing, XYZ Depot, etc.
11) International Organization - Any organization established by treaty or agreement having effect in law by authority of the Government of India is an international organization under the Indian law . For example: World Health Organization (WHO), Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), Universal Postal Union (UPU).
12) Central/State Governments - All matters relating to Public Sector Undertakings(PS), Autonomous bodies and statutory corporations. For example: All India Radio, BSNL, HUDCO , etc.
13) Statutory Corporations - Any statutory corporation established by a central Act is a statutory corporation under the Indian law .company registration in Australia For example: Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), National Housing Bank Limited (NHB).
14) Employees' Provident Fund Organisation/Employees' State Insurance Corporation - The organisation which administers provident funds and insurance schemes for employees is an EFC/ESI under the Indian law . For example: Central Board of Trustees (CBT), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Canara Bank , etc.
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